are you among the 27 million with a profile at if you’re not, then you should be! forget over-investing in twitter and most other social media websites. time is limited. few websites help to reinforce your expertise and build credibility better than linkedin. here are 10 reasons why: 1. easy way to convey a one-page snapshot of your credentials; 2. recommendations area shows how others value your work — and are written/submitted by the referral (not created by the beneficiary and green-lighted by the referral); 3. your recommendations of others show what you value in others; 4. sync with your blog to broadcast latest posts; 5. higher value linkback(s) to three of your website(s), given linkedin’s solid page rank; 6. each link can include a descriptive tag that boosts seo value; 7. visitors stay an average of 7.3 minutes; 8. “visitors of this profile also visited…” functionality provides a glimpse into visitors’ intentions; 9. groups provide an insight into your interests — and feeds deliver poignant topics by email that keep you on your feet; 10. ability to embed animated presentations of your work.

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